Nicotine withdrawal is different for every person who uses dip. Changing the things you do can help you manage withdrawal symptoms.

The most common symptoms include:
- Having cravings for dip
- Feeling down or sad
- Having trouble sleeping
- Feeling irritable‚ on edge‚ or grouchy
- Having trouble thinking clearly and concentrating
- Feeling restless and jumpy
- Having a slower heart rate
- Feeling more hungry or gaining weight
Over time, these symptoms and cravings will fade if you stay away from dip.
Withdrawal can be uncomfortable and some people may feel high levels of symptoms. Some people feel increased sadness after they quit. If you are having extreme sadness, let people know. Take this quiz to find out if you have signs of depression.
For many people who use dip, cravings last longer than other symptoms of withdrawal. Cravings can be set off by reminders of dipping. These reminders are often called triggers. People, places, and things can trigger a craving. This means it's important to have a plan for how you'll handle a craving when it hits.