Mood changes are common after quitting vaping. You might feel sad or irritable. You may be tempted to reach for your vape when you feel this way, but vaping is not a helpful way to cope with bad moods or depression.

Sadness and Depression
Sadness is a common emotion. It can be triggered by ordinary life circumstances like disappointments, challenges, or loss. Everyone has down days and times when they feel sad. If feelings of sadness are extreme, last for a long time, or interfere with your daily activities and/or relationships, you may be experiencing depression.
Even if you rarely felt sad before quitting vaping, after quitting, you may feel increased sadness, irritability, or sluggishness. These mood changes are usually temporary while your body adjusts to not having nicotine and are common symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. When you’re having a hard day, remember why quitting vaping will be better for you in the long run, and take steps to manage your feelings without vapes.
There are ways to manage your feelings and boost your mood without turning to your vape. Try the ideas below to find the ones that work for you.
Get Moving
Getting some exercise will help you turn a negative mood around and help you feel better. You could try taking a walk, going to the gym, dancing, or doing an exercise video. It’s OK to start small and build up over time. This might seem hard to do at first because feeling down can drain your energy, but making the effort will pay off and you will feel better in the long run.
Find a Routine
Negative thoughts and sadness tend to creep up when you’re bored or doing nothing. Make a schedule of activities to do every day. Keeping a daily routine can help you stay busy and avoid getting caught up in negative moods.
Find the Fun
Build fun activities into your daily life. They don’t have to be big or expensive. Small things – like watching your favorite show or listening to music – add up and can improve your mood. Choose an activity that you really enjoy but haven’t done in a while or try something new.
Spend Time With Friends and Loved Ones
Getting support from the important people in your life can make a big difference when you’re quitting. They can be key to helping you feel better. Focus on talking to or spending time with people who encourage you and support your decision to stay vape-free.
Pay it Forward
Doing good deeds for others can help you feel good too. Try doing a small act of kindness, like letting someone else go ahead of you in line, picking up litter, or giving someone a compliment.
Accept Life’s Twists and Turns
Life is full of ups and downs. Understanding there will be good days and bad days can help.
Watch for Signs of Depression
When you quit vaping, it’s normal for your mood to go up and down. You may feel like the sadness is lasting too long or won’t go away. Don’t ignore these feelings, especially if a doctor has ever diagnosed you with depression. If you are experiencing extreme sadness or mood changes, you may need help from a mental health professional. Take a quick quiz to find out if you have signs of depression. If you become depressed or are having extreme sadness, let a friend or family member know, and think about talking to a health care provider.
If you or someone you know is in distress or having suicidal thoughts, get help now. Call or text 988 or chat online for 24-hour, free and confidential support from trained counselors.