Getting through cravings without vaping can be one of the hardest parts of quitting. Knowing in advance how to handle cravings can help you beat even the strongest ones.

Craving Tips
Cravings to vape are common, but also temporary. They will fade the longer you stay quit. Here are ideas to help you get through cravings. Some may work better than others, so find the ones that work best for you.
- Remember your quit plan. Look back at your quit plan to remind you of how you planned to cope with cravings. If you haven’t made a quit plan yet, it’s not too late. Make your quit plan now.
- Switch things up. When a craving hits, stop what you're doing and do something different. Sometimes, changing your routine can help you get over a craving.
- Get moving. Take a quick walk or go up and down the stairs a few times. Even short bursts of physical activity can help boost your energy and beat a craving.
- Pause to breathe. Breathe in slowly through your nose and breathe out slowly through your mouth. Repeat this 10 times to help you relax until the craving passes.
- Seek support. Text or talk with the supportive people in your life. Connecting with others can help you stay strong when cravings to vape feel hard to handle.
- Stay busy. Play a game on your phone. Games can be a good distraction when you’re having a craving.
- Do a good deed. Distract yourself by being helpful to a friend, family member, or coworker. Focusing on others can help distract you from how you feel.
- Call or chat with an expert. Get free, personalized support from an expert trained to help you quit vaping by calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848), or chat with them online using the National Cancer Institute’s LiveHelp service.
Get Advice
Discuss your plans to quit and ask how they can help you manage your nicotine withdrawal symptoms cravings or other quitting concerns. Medications like nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), varenicline, and bupropion are used to help people quit smoking cigarettes. These medications can help reduce cravings and other nicotine withdrawal symptoms. The Food and Drug Administration has not approved these medications to help people quit vaping, but if you are struggling with quitting, talk with your doctor or another health care professional about your challenges and whether medication might be right for you.
Stick With It
Quitting vaping might not be easy, and setbacks can happen. If you slip up and vape, don’t think of it as a failure. Try to think of it as a temporary setback. Get back on track and remember your reasons for quitting.
- Keep at it. Don’t let a slip be a reason to give up on quitting. It may feel discouraging, but you can get back on track. Move on and re-commit to quitting.
- Think of how far you’ve come. Celebrate the small victories. Be proud of all the times you didn’t reach for your vape. You have not failed, and you’re not back to square one.
- Learn from your slips. Think about why the slip happened and figure out ways to prevent it from happening again. Come up with ideas for what you will do differently the next time you find yourself in the same situation.